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Recharge and Boost up the Life Field

Sri Anand Yoga

Let the Mystery Unfold

Recharge and Boost up the Life Field

Every living entity in this world has a life field. Even the smallest of the organism has this life field. Plants have it. The organelles in our biological cells also have this life field.

It should be possible (though currently it is not) to scientifically detect and measure the strength of this life field - only if this area gets under focus from the scientific community and the necessary biomedical technologies like MRI (Magnetic Resource Imaging), PET (positron emission tomography), PET (positron emission tomography), Quantitative EEG (qEEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) are further developed in this direction expanding the horizon of scientific investigation. There is also an emerging field of Brain Wave Functionality. It is basically a human-computer interaction (HCI) system that includes an enabler for controlling gadgets based on signal analysis of brain activities transmitted from the enabler to the gadgets. Then there is an innovative field of Kirlian Photography for photographing ‘aura’, which has been summarily disapproved of by the scientific community. It is variously called as "electrography", "electrophotography", "corona discharge photography" (CDP), "bioelectrography", "gas discharge visualization (GDV)", "electrophotonic imaging (EPI)" and, in Russian literature, "Kirlianography". It may have been disapproved for valid scientific reasons. But it is certainly not worth scrapping the concept in totality. There is certainly a possibility of developing a new approach within the scientific system.

However, till the scientific community takes interest in this subject of Life Field, we will categorise it under the label of ‘Spiritual Science’.It is only a matter of time till this subject gets its due recognition in the scientific community.

The life field of every cell in our body pulsates at its own unique rhythm. This rhythm aligns itself with the rhythm of the life field of our heart. There is a sort of symphony of all trillions of the life fields of all the elements in our body. When this symphony is broken, disease conditions set in. Practices in Sri Anand Yoga stabilise and enhance the quality of this symphony.

Scientists are still struggling to solve the riddle of subatomic worlds 'particle Vs wave' dilemma.

What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter. ..... Albert Einstein

They have somehow got hold of the tail of the truth when they called particle as a wave phenomenon. In reality wave is only a slice of a pulsating life field looked at from a two dimensional measuring instrument. At the centre of the life field is not any particle. There is a densely concentrated vortex. Piercing the centre of the vortex is a universe which is defined by altogether different dimensions and therefore beyond any scope of human enquiry. This concept of life field theory will solve the puzzle of double slit experiment. This is covered elsewhere as it is beyond the scope of current topic.

In reality wave is only a slice of a pulsating life field looked at from a two dimensional measuring instrument. At the centre of the life field is not any particle. There is a densely concentrated vortex. Piercing the centre of the vortex is a universe which is defined by altogether different dimensions and therefore beyond any scope of human enquiry. This concept of life field theory will solve the puzzle of double slit experiment.

There are two types of Life Fields. One is of inanimate matter like stone, metal etc. The other is of animate or living subjects like plants, animals, birds etc. In reality life is involved in inanimate subjects while it is evolved in animate matter. Life is present in both these subjects.

" ..... all that evolves already existed involved, passive or otherwise active, but in either case concealed from us in the shell of material Nature. The Spirit which manifests itself here in a body, must be involved from the beginning in the whole of matter and in every knot, formation and particle of matter; life, mind and whatever is above mind must be latent inactive or concealed active powers in all the operations of material energy.” ...... Sri Aurobindo

Life field has biological quantum entanglement effect. Quantum entanglement is one of quantum mechanics' most mystifying phenomena. When two particles—such as atoms, photons, or electrons—are entangled, they experience an inexplicable link that is maintained even if the particles are on opposite sides of the universe. While entangled, the particles' behavior is tied one another. If one particle is found spinning in one direction, for example, then the other particle instantaneously changes its spin in a corresponding manner dictated by the entanglement.

Quantum biology is an emerging field. Most of the current research is theoretical and subject to questions that require further experimentation. Though the field of Quantum Biology has only recently received an influx of attention, it has been conceptualized by physicists throughout the 20th century. Early pioneers of quantum physics saw applications of quantum mechanics in biological problems.

... effects of the quantum world may be central to explaining some of biology’s greatest puzzles—from the efficiency of enzyme catalysis to avian navigation to human consciousness—and could even be subject to natural selection

An artist's concept of quantum entanglement between two atoms. Credit: Mark Garlick Getty Images

As per the philosophy of Sri Anand Yoga, our Life Field gets drained out and its ‘battery’ works at a very low level when our life becomes a boring mundane chorus of running in the ruts in rat race, desperately trying to keep our head above the stormy water to survive.

The Life Field gets drained out and its ‘battery’ works at a very low level when our life becomes a boring mundane chorus of running in the ruts in rat race, desperately trying to keep our head above the stormy water to survive.

On the other hand our Life Field gets boosted up and gets recharged when life becomes exciting. When there is spontaneity and creativity in our activities. When we are enjoying our swim in the waters of life, however stormy they may be. Life Field gets into a steady, stable and at higher voltage when we are aligned with the rhythm of the cosmos.

There is a symbiosis of all the life fields within our body as well as in Universe. Sri Anand Yoga philosophy and practices are aimed to achieve this state.


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