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We are whole and will always remain so

We are whole and will always remain so

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते

पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥


‘You are the complete/fullness/whole. There is complete/fullness/whole, here is complete/fullness/whole. From the complete/fullness/whole, the complete/fullness/whole is born. Remove the complete/fullness/whole from the complete/fullness/whole and the complete/fullness/whole alone remains.’

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This is one of those apparently crazy hymns of Veda the meaning of which will make your head roll in madness. The real meaning of this hymn is very simple to understand. But in our attempt to make a pedantic explanation we make it a very high domain knowledge not meant for the common folk.

This hymn is the foundation of Shri Anand Yoga. It simply means, there is an inherent equilibrium in this Universe and this equilibrium will remain undisturbed forever. This world is whole. Every point of this whole is its center. We are the center of this universe. Though it may appear to be going from this point (locality) to that point or from this point (time) to that point, it is in effect part of a continuum without beginning or end.

All the above fully correspond to our material, astronomical and time theories. What our scientists discovered through their laboratory equipment and computers, our ancient spiritual scientists discovered through their inner view.

Like the above hymn, we believe in this ‘completeness’ without their deep meditative insight. Both arrive at the same conclusion through different paths.

Let us take an example of a globe. When we are standing away from the globe and observing any point inside the globe. The distance between us and that point will keep changing as we rotate the globe. Now shift your position inside the globe, at exact the center of the globe. Now even when we rotate the globe, the distance between us and that point inside the globe will remain constant, irrespective of the exact location of that point.

The clue here is not where that other point is located. The clue is where we, the observing entity, is positioned.

When we are positioned anywhere outside the globe, the world scenario (i.e. the distance between us and any point inside the globe) will keep on changing as we rotate the globe. When we are positioned at the center of the globe, then the world view (i.e. the distance between us and any point inside the globe) will remain constant.

In Shri Anand Yoga, we believe that we are at the center of the Universe. Each one of us is at the center of his own Universe. This is the most stable position. We operate from this stable position with confidence. Without beginning and without end through eternity.


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